Recycling Program

The recycling/compost site is located at 412 Jennings Street (next to the city maintenance sheds).  It is open 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week for self service.  If you should need assistance please call city hall at 641-366-2300 Monday through Thursday between the hours of 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and arrangements will be made to assist you with your drop off.

Garbage can not be left here.  All property owners must obtain garbage service through one of the local garbage haulers.


Recycling - All recyclables need to be sorted into the appropriate bin. 

  • Number 1 through 7 Plastics: The number is printed on the bottom of the container in the recycling triangle.  Rinse and clean plastics, remove caps and bottleneck rings. Vegetable and motor oil containers can NOT be recycled.
  • Plastic Grocery Bags: Place in the plastic container- do not fill bags with any other recycling material
  • Clear Glass Food containers: Rinse and clean glass, DO remove caps and bottleneck rings.  You do not need to remove labels on glass. Mason jars and colored glass can NOT be recycled.
  • Newspapers, Magazines, Slicks & Junk mail
  • Cardboard:  Must be broken down flat with staples/tape removed
  • Tin Food Cans:  Rinse and clean tin cans.  Labels must be removed from cans. 


  • You may deposit leaves, grass clippings, and garden rubbish in fenced in area by the city shed.
  • Please empty all bags and remove them. 

Do NOT leave brush, twigs, or limbs; the city will continue to pick them up at your curbside the first and third Monday’s from April through October.