Mayor and Council

Council meetings are held the second Thursday of each month. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. and are open to the public.

To place an item on the agenda, please contact the City Clerk's office at 641-366-2300.

To learn more about your elected officials, click on their name next to the picture below.

Mayor Jeff Martin

"Conrad is a great place to live, work and raise your family.  We have a lot to offer a family, and are very proud of our community.  I feel lucky to be able to live and and be part of Conrad."


Appointed Committees: Finance; Personnel & Safety; Law Enforcement Representative

Community Service: Black Dirt Day's Committee; Golf Course Board & Secretary; Junior Achievement Vounteer - Waterloo; Students In Free Enterprise - UNI; Past Rotary Club Member; Past Kiwana Club Member

Employment: Green Products, Conrad, Iowa.

Contact: 505 S. Main, P.O. Box 563, Conrad, Iowa 50621

Phone: 641-328-4671


Council Member Peg Brown

Appointed Committees: Finance; Personnel & Safety; Main Street Liaison

Community Service: Town & Country Club; Liturgy Committee and Member at St. Mary Catholic Church, Marshalltown; Past Board of Adjustments Chair

Employment: Retired

Contact: 702 Circle Drive, P.O. Box 51, Conrad, Iowa 50621

Phone: 641-366-2868


Council Member John Dinsmore

Appointed Committees: Finance, Property & Equipmentr

Community Service: Park Board

Employment: Premier Office Equipment

Contact: 605 Tucker Trail, PO Box 387, Conrad, Iowa 50621

Phone: 641-366-3883


Council Member Lindsay Kuhl

Appointed Committees: Property & Equipment, Water & Sanitary Sewer

Community Service: Oakwood Golf Course board member, Black Dirt Days committee, Christmas in Conrad Committee

Employment: MidWestOne Bank in Conrad

Contact: 310 S Main St., Conrad, Iowa 50621

Phone: 641-366-2165


Council Member Todd Schnathorst

"The City of Conrad has a very positive and successful history and I'm honored to now be a member of the City Council.  I look forward to applying my professional skills of developing more efficient and effective solutions to the opportunities that face the City of Conrad in the future."


Appointed Committees: Mayor Pro Tem, Personnel & Safety; Street, Alleys, Sidewalks & Storm Sewers; Fire & BCERT Representative

Community Service:  First Presbyterian Church Building Committee and Worship Committee; Past Park Board President

Employment: Central Iowa Farm Store, Marshalltown, Iowa

Contact: 601 Blythe, P.O. Box 156, Conrad, Iowa 50621

Phone: 641-366-3445
